November 12, 2009

Chin Augmentation - Plastic Surgery

The magnification of the chin or Mentoplasty is a growing field of Plastic Surgery, the people who have problems such as a receding chin or a prominent chin is advantageous. Want these days, not just women who are more than attractive and beautiful, but men also equally aware of their appearance.

An improved facial balance and shape

Chin Augmentation Surgery is the perfect solution for men and women, with the size and shape are not satisfiedChin. Cosmetic improvement of a small chin can be made by an artificial implant under the skin. Medical implants made of silicone or Gore-Tex are mainly used. This growth method promises incredible results look, a more pleasant and balanced mids, we can help feel better.

Chin augmentation is also done in the way of reduction of the jaw and then push it forward. This is a technique that uses the body's own tissue forAchieve the desired change.

Safe and effective procedures

The procedure itself takes the complexity of one to three hours, depending on the. You can improve overall facial aesthetics, when it is combined with rhinoplasty. General anesthesia is given for both the procedure and patients can return to work within a week. In several cases, two to three weeks away from work is often recommended.


Although patientsSatisfaction of the highest importance, this procedure is not without risks. A significant amount of bleeding, bruising, numbness around the chin area, and facial nerve damage may occur. Whatever be the reason for your desire for a Chin Augmentation surgery, it is important to choose an experienced and talented plastic surgeon.

Manhattan Chin Augmentation Surgery for men and women, Dr. Spero Theodorou is a talented plastic surgeon in New York City, which has for years been theExperience in Chin Augmentation Plastic Surgery.

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