November 2, 2009

Breast Augmentation Can Correct A Woman's Breast Asymmetries

Breast augmentation, technically known as augmentation is a surgical procedure to improve the size and shape of a woman's breasts. It is one of the most common cosmetic procedures are performed today.

In 2001, approximately 220,000 breast augmentations were performed in the United States. Over the years, different types and styles of implants have been used. Today, most doctors are carrying out breast augmentation arewith saline implants. These are implants, which have a silicone shell and are equipped with a saltwater solution known filled saline.

There are currently several different methods for inserting and positioning of the implants. The cuts can be made either in the crease where the breast meets the chest, under the patio, in the armpits or in the navel. Surgeons over the years have all these techniques used countless times. All the techniques can be performed safely with asgood results. Whichever method you choose depends, of where the incision and the procedures your surgeon feels you will be the best result.

The implants can be placed above or below the chest muscle. Most physicians are currently placing the implants under the muscle (sub-pectoral). The muscle provides an additional cushion for a more natural look to give. In addition, the placement of the implants under the muscle can reduce the chance of formation of scar tissue around theImplant (capsular contracture) and also allows greater ease in reading mammograms. If the placement of implants under the muscle, a suitable bag is designed so that the breasts will have a nice shape and a reasonable division. In the implementation of the procedure your surgeon may prefer to place temporary implants, called "sizer" in the bag to determine what size implants to give the look you desire. These implants are used only for a few minutes, but often it isfor a more precise result.

With all said, here are some frequently asked questions about breast augmentation surgery:

Is breast augmentation for me?

During the consultation your surgeon, you have the opportunity to discuss goals and expectations of the operation. The surgeon will asses breast and body contour and is the result of your procedure to discuss.

The implant is safe?

Yes. At this time there is no evidence thatImplants, would the risk of any disease or pre-exposed to an increase in any medical condition. A mammogram can be performed safely in women with breast implants. Today, the most commonly used implant is filled saline. Some patients are candidates for silicone-filled implants. Both saline and silicone implants have a very safe, although not everyone is a candidate for silicone filled implants.

What is breast augmentation surgery like?

TheProcedure is usually performed in an outpatient surgery facility. The procedure usually takes a little more fulfilling than an hour. Most patients recover within 1 to 2 hours after surgery and discharged home.

What is the recovery from breast augmentation surgery like?

Most women are ambulatory within hours of the operation. It is proposed that a few days rest after the procedure. A post-surgical sports bra worn for several weeks. There is some discomfort and swellingafter the operation. The doctor will prescribe antibiotics and oral analgesics for control of discomfort. Depending on the type of activity and level of activity at work, you can return as early as 3 days to work after surgery.

We also use pain pump for quick and painless recovery.

Can I breast-feed after breast augmentation surgery?

Probably, yes. Sub By placing the implants under the muscle (-pectoral), the glandular tissue of breast tissueremains intact and the implant is a natural look and feel. The vast majority of women can breast feed after a sub-breast breast augmentation surgery.

Follow your surgeon will advise you when you start your normal daily activities. Frequent post-operative check-ups are useful to ensure proper healing. Your doctor should discuss in detail the necessary steps before and after your operation to achieve the best results. This article is intended merely toserve as a basic overview of the process.

Dave Stringham is the President of the Find an online resource for Los Angeles breast augmentation information about breast enhancement and Los Angeles breast augmentation procedure.

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