September 16, 2009

What Type of Sensory Changes Occur After Breast Augmentation?

If there is a procedure for breast augmentation, there are basically two different kinds of sensory changes can be expected. The first possibility is a small sensation, except that last for a short time, while the second may be amended a long-term sensory. These sensory changes can in the skin of the chest, the court and also to the nipple. In fact, the most commonly reported sensory change is a loss of nipple sensation. In general, if thesesensory changes are damaged as a direct result of the small nerve caused during the procedure and are only temporary and will soon return to a normal state.

Most of the time, women who tell their surgeons, the procedure that they had noticed a slight decrease in her chest "s are sensitive, but after a few days, then they say to their doctor that everything is back to normal.

There is also the possibility of a hypersensitivity reaction. This hypersensitivity is whenthe patient touches a particular area, region seems to lose all feeling. This is very common in any type of injury. In these cases, you may feel an itch or irritation, but when you touch the area you can not feel your own note. This is usually always a temporary sensory changes as a direct consequence of the healing phase, and usually goes within a few weeks.

In rare cases, a patient may experience severe pain due to breast augmentation and althoughwhich is a rarity, it is still associated with a possible risk of breast enlargement procedures. These sharp pains are large enough to limit the patient's daily activities, but luckily in the few cases it has happened only takes a few weeks at most.

The concept of what a permanent sensory change is a change that is happening and is still around after a period of one year. These permanent sensory changes are possible and should be one of the main risksassociated with a breast augmentation procedure. A lasting change that is reported most frequently, the blunting or complete loss of sensitivity to a particular area of the breasts. There were hardly any cases in which was a total loss of sensation found in the breast of the patient.

Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation recovery
Breast enlargement costs

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