September 26, 2009

Breast Augmentation and the Mommy Makeover

The birth of children and raised them to be among the best experiences in a woman's life, but the impact of these pregnancies go on her body may, at some of the depressing experiences they may have. Pregnancy hormones combined with the stretching of the skin and the results of breastfeeding can make a woman feel pretty saggy, loose, and blue. Fortunately, today a package of cosmetic surgery as a "Mommy Makeover" can help women return to their baby --Numbers.

What will the pregnancy and the body of a woman
Some women are lucky enough, their skin seems so elastic like a rubber band. Her body seems only to spring back into shape after giving birth. Most are not so blessed. Stomachs once to be the size of basketballs forward with hanging, loose skin folds on the left. Breast milk than for growing babies are filled left limp and shapeless place after weaning. Pregnancy and weight gain can send us a woman with a stubborn pockets Fat around the abdomen, hips, upper arms and thighs. And as if all this were not enough, let the stress and time constraints of raising children and going back to work, in some cases little time for exercise and carefully planned diets.

Like a Mommy Makeover can fix it
A "mommy makeover" includes several plastic procedures are performed all at once from a professionally trained surgeons. These include:

- Breast Enhancement / Reduction / Lift
Breast> Increasing procedure with a small incision under the breast or around the nipple. Synthetic implants are placed within the breast tissue and the incisions are closed. There are many breast implant sizing options available. A breast lift involves throwing extra, loose skin and lifting the chest up to an attractive location. In some cases, women may be left with overly large breasts after pregnancy. This can be corrected by someadipose tissue from a breast reduction procedure.

-Tummy Tuck
A tummy tuck can get rid of all that unsightly roll of loose skin on the left with a pregnancy. (And if a breast enhancement will be at the same time, cosmetic surgeons sometimes) the same cut for both methods. The surgeon makes an incision is usually around the hips and pubic bone. Excess skin is removed, and strengthen the abdominal muscles. Then the skin is taut andthe navel is repositioned, if necessary, and the incision is sutured closed. The result is a tighter, firmer stomach.

-Thigh/Buttock Lift
Pregnancy weight gain is often enriched in the hips, buttocks and thighs, so ugly stretch marks and loose, sagging skin after weight loss. A thigh or buttock lift can solve this problem. The plastic surgeon makes an incision around the public bone or thigh, then removes excess skin from the thigh and sew the skin closed. TheButtocks and thighs are left tighter and tighter and better form.

Sometimes, just getting rid of fat before pregnancy is the challenge. A little bit of liposuction to the problem can delete these diet and exercise resistant fat deposits. Liposuction is known to use a small vacuum tube, like a needle that loosens and absorbs unwanted fat. This works best on those who are healthy and in generally good condition.

The cosmetic surgery "Mommy Makeover" is agreat way for mothers with children done to regenerate their bodies and are young, beautiful and safe return to the effects of pregnancy.

Are you looking for your lost youth again after pregnancy? Hampton Roads Cosmetic surgery can help to restore your baby figure with liposuction and abdominoplasty. The website at will show all the facts you need to know.

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