These are implants that are filled with silicone gel. More than 1.5 million American women currently have silicone breast implants. Some people think that the silicone implant results appear in a natural breast. But about 15 years ago, the safety of these implants in numerous media reports have called into question, and by the filing of numerous lawsuits again the implant manufacturers. Many diseases, including autoimmune diseases and hardening of theBreasts, attributed to the leakage of silicone into the bodies of women who had these implants.
The facts about silicone breast implants were approved by the Food and Drug Administration published:
"In January 1992 the FDA called for a voluntary moratorium - Delay the use of these implants - until new information could be thoroughly checked for safety. The moratorium was not intended to" ban "of the implants, but check to time to ensure that the newSafety instructions. In April 1992 the Agency decided that no PMA had already submitted sufficient safety and efficacy data to support the agreement. However, the access to silicone gel-filled breast implants were still under investigation for women in certain clinical trials. In the years following that decision, thousands of women filed lawsuits against the manufacturers of silicone gel-filled implants, claiming that the equipment had serious diseases, such as connective tissue, for example, causesDiseases, neurological diseases and cancer. Consumer groups repeatedly filed petitions urging more studies on the implants. But many women said they would with their implants, including cancer patients, for the opportunity to choose silicone gel-filled implants had advocated for the reconstruction very satisfied. In January 2004 - contrary to the recommendation of the advisory board of the agency - the FDA that the new silicone gel-filled breast implants PMA was "not authorized" at this time.This meant that the implants were approved for marketing in anticipation of additional information, but the women would continue to have limited access to them by enrolling in clinical trials. "
Therefore, at this point only women who were enrolled in long-clinical studies may not have silicone breast implants. To be considered for these studies into consideration, it must have a woman implants for breast reconstruction, for the repair of breast asymmetry or ptosis, or wereamong those who have a severe rippling with saline implants. To eliminate those, lupus, scleroderma, autoimmune diseases, or diseases, wound healing will have excluded from the study.
The main disadvantage of silicone breast implants is that their rupture is less easily than with the rupture of saline implants detected. When a saline implant ruptures, the salt absorbed by the body, so that the breast go flat, which are easily recognized by a woman. On theOn the other hand, because silicone gel mostly stays within the breast tissue and not get absorbed, it is not usually noted reduction in breast size after rupture of silicone implants. Tools to be seen bursting of silicone implants on mammography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Even the clean and complete removal of the leaked silicone gel is difficult. Finally, although there are several studies that reveal the safety of silicone, the controversy over the safety ofremains of silicone implants.
Dr. Sean Younai is a Board Certified Cosmetic Plastic Surgeon with experience in all aspects of body contouring, including liposuction, tummy tuck, abdominoplasty and high tension. Dr. Younai practices at the California Center for Plastic Surgery ( and receives patients from Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Hollywood, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Encino, Calabasas, Woodland Hills, Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village,Pasadena, Glendale, Valencia, Palmdale, Fresno, Bakersfield, and Oxnard.
At the California Center for Plastic Surgery ( he reviews treatment options with patients. You can also find information on large-volume liposuction by the visit (
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